Life Post-Grad

What No One Ever Tells You About Graduating…

On May 20th, 2018 as I walked across the stage of the Nassau Coliseum, I received my Bachelor of Arts Degree. I was ready to walk into a new world where I would be this fierce, employed, glowing graduate flaunting her degree and drowning in student debt. I got one thing right for sure, I would definitely be drowning in my student loans; but nearly two months after graduation I’ve learned it’s not all that it’s cracked up to be. I knew post-grad life would be tough but here are some things no one ever tells you about completing that stage in life.

1.This is where the REAL adulting begins:

Some people are babied throughout their life and receive a harsh wakeup call upon graduation. Meanwhile, others work their way through college with 2+ jobs and being a full-time student (been there, done that, and I thank God it is over). It’s kind of like finals week for the rest of your life; everyone is expecting you to suddenly have your life together, a stable job, a serious significant other, and your loans paid off two weeks after graduating as if you weren’t just doing a keg stand at someone’s room party less than a month ago. Adulthood kind of just slaps you in the face and spoiler alert… it hurts!

2. Remember that job you said you weren’t going to take…

Yeah, you’re probably going to work there. Those stories you heard about how hard it was to find a job in your field or of people with all these degrees but had low-level jobs, it wasn’t a lie. Sometimes you have to take an L and just get a job anywhere because making money in the field that’s not for you is so much better than making no money at all.. after all, Sallie Mae starts knocking in 6 months. So a piece of advice, start racking up connections and internships now, they’ll help more than you think. Or if it’s too late for that SAVE as much money as you can for that time you’ll be unemployed.

3. You’ll Miss It…

Sure, we were always ranting about how much we couldn’t wait to graduate but it was your home. Obviously, you won’t miss the horrible food from the cafeteria or the communal showers with questionable cleanliness but there were aspects you’ll miss so much. Personally, I already miss living down the hall from my best friends or the extensive  Happy Hours at OTB. It doesn’t really hit you that it’s over until it’s really over.

Overall, College was an experience. It contained the best and worst memories of your life and it helped you to determine the person that you are. Enjoy every last moment of it because when it’s done you’ll miss it more than you will understand.