Health & Wellness

Manifestation, The New Trend, Or…

I am healthy, I am wealthy, I am rich, I am that bitch
Baby Tate

These song lyrics  probably have been the most manifested phrase of 2021, mainly because it’s catchy…. But did you know you were manifesting prosperity into your life? The purpose of manifesting is to bring something into your physical life by using your words, thoughts, and beliefs. We all manifest on a subconscious level; but to manifest something properly depends solely on yourself. If you are not a believer of manifestation and spirituality then this post may not be for you. HOWEVER, if you’re a little skeptical, stick around.

Many celebrities as well as powerful people believe in manifesting, some believe manifesting was how they achieved their success. Even now, the law of attraction most powerful belief systems we have today. On some level, we’re all manifesting, even if we’re not aware of it at the time. Think about how you applied to the job you knew you were qualified for, but still told yourself that you wouldn’t get. The process of you envisioning yourself not in that job messed up your mentality, but also affected your interview process unbeknownst to you.

It’s all about confidence

Let’s get back to that job interview , shall we? You got on LinkedIn and applied for a job. You could probably have all of the qualifications and then some needed for this position. However, the imposter syndrome got to you. In your head you were thinking about how you were not right for the job and you are imagine yourself feeling the interview better yet you haven’t even made it to the interview but you know in your mind that you do not have the job. This energy and mentality That you put yourself in will affect your interview process because although you are giving it your best in your head you have already failed. Carrying that energy of failure around you and with you probably affected your interview process, so when you do fail you’re thinking that you knew this was gonna happen, and that you weren’t going to get the job. Yeah, it was your energy and your mentality in regards to the job that prevented you from getting it. If you are out here putting out bad energy, manifesting bad thoughts, and over all wreaking of negativity… Can you really be surprised when negativities occurs if that’s what you’re asking for. I will not sit here and pretend that I only manifest positive thoughts, that sounds like a very big case of toxic positivity. However, I try my absolute hardest to keep my negative thoughts in check.

For all of my nonbelievers, let’s get a little sciencey.  Are you familiar with the law of thermodynamics? If not let me provide you with a brief synopsis. The very first law of thermodynamics is energy can neither be created or destroyed, because energy cannot disappear, a gain of energy is a loss to its surroundings and vice versa. The long story short is energy can only be transferred. So, you’re only putting out negative energy because that negative energy cannot be destroyed, it’s going to eventually be transferred back to you.

To be clear: manifestation is not just thinking something into existence if you just think about the perfect partner, real hard, you’re not gonna manifest one. There is much more that goes into the process, but energy still plays a critical role. It is believed that you can manifest anything you want in life; love, happiness, that corner office, and if we’re lucky the end of Covid. Why? Because the energy that we put out into the world is important, and your thoughts can directly change your life.

So…Why Should You Manifest?

It is now in the air, and therefore in the works.
Close Friend

Manifesting just put you in a better mood. Y’all have been singing that song, and willing yourself to be that healthy, wealthy, rich bitch, and I know that it pushes you to succeed. Affirmations are one of the clearest way to set your intentions, being each morning is already putting “good vibes“ into your day. And a scary world such as the pandemic filled with uncertainty is, why should you manifest your shit? The answer is simple. Why not?

Envision yourself at the job of your dreams, write out all of the things that you want in life, and work your ass off until you get it. Do not put any negative notations, or believes that this promotion isn’t for you, that you can’t get the house, or that you don’t deserve better. Positive thoughts, concrete actions, writing down what you want, and being patient. It doesn’t matter if you believe in “magic“, spells, spirituality or not; it doesn’t hurt to manifest your shit, it’s a driving force. Go ahead and picture yourself win, it’s a driving force. Manifest what you want for yourself this year. If anything, at least you get a clear image of what you want in life.

I know manifestation is not easy for someone who is just beginning, it could seem like a lot. My advice to you just be conscious and stay mindful. Manifest in ways that feel realistic: use affirmations, write down your wants , and remain conscious. Most importantly, trust the process