Health & Wellness

In My Pink Pilates Princess Era… I’m Just A Girl

Last year when Lori Harvey came out on some red carpet event looking like the most snatched thing since Marilynn Monroe, everyone had to know her secret. Pilates, a workout invented by Joseph Pilates a German born fitness guru who actually perfected his craft in a jail cell. While the girlies may have heard a bit about Pilates, no one gave it much thought because they didn’t realize that Yoga’s stronger older sister had such bomb effects. Once people heard that Ms. Harvey’s secret was reformer Pilates, its popularity grew tremendously amongst the new generation as a way to get snatched, right and tight. So who would I be if I did not give the popular workout a try. 

In its new age, the main reason that Pilates gained such traction was because it seemed like a sweet and girly workout. When you looked up reformer Pilates on apps like TikTok you would see girls with their cute pink Stanleys, cute outfits and matching Pilates grip socks.  As the “I’m Just A Girl” movement began, Pilates became appealing because it wasn’t sweating in a gym for hours and being around stinky men. Pilates looked like it was a good time hanging out with your girls doing a low intensity workout and feeling great after it all was over. Seriously, who wouldn’t like looking good, feeling good and having a good time.  In reality, Pilates was far from it.


One of the most alluring aspects of this workout was how easy it seems to be. I can tell you from one lesson alone that Pilates is NOT easy, the girlies are just strong. When I signed up for a reformers class through Club Pilates (this is like the starter studio for almost everyone) the first thing the lady told me was ” This isn’t like Mat Pilates, you can’t cheat”. Immediately I thought how ostentatious of her, turns out she was right. If you were a Mat Pilates girlie prior to this like I was, it will give you a bit of an advantage. However, reformers will still kick your butt and you absolutely cannot cheat your way out of it. What we mean by that is with floor Pilates there are ways to modify things where you’re still technically doing the move, but you can get away with some movements. With reformers, you feel everything; even with the modifications for certain levels, you will still wake up tomorrow and feel that burn.

Speaking of burn, those first few classes will make you question everything that you know. Pilates strengthens and tones muscles that you don’t normally use, along with the other more common ones. When you first start reformers, it is not uncommon to feel that sweet burn of a sore newly activated muscle. After my first class (one which I thought was a tad challenging but nothing unbearable), I woke up the next morning and my core was so sore it hurt to breathe. Once you start doing Pilates regularly and your body becomes accustomed to the feeling, you don’t get the same kind of sore. However, another new norm that comes from this strenuous workout is the Pilates shakes. When you get them for the first time, remember that this involuntary shaking comes from the muscle fatiguing. It’s the girly pop equivalent to lifting until failure.  If you feel embarrassed or even like laughing your ass off (Me, I’m the girl who gets the uncontrollable giggles when I get the shakes); I promise you that no one is looking at you because they are also struggling too hard to worry about anyone but themselves.

A Better Workout For Your Overall Health

I love to do some (arguably) heavy weightlifting like everyone else; but did you know as a woman, Pilates is actually better for you? This is not to say forgo those strength training classes at your local Orange Theory, keep up the good work and those 8 am cycle classes. As women our hormones and menstrual cycle play an important part in our workouts. Unfortunately, because most people do not know this, we tend to exhaust ourselves during certain phases in our cycles with the types of workouts we do. Pilates is a good low intensity workout that is good for the girlies with hormonal issues like PCOS but also it doesn’t raise your cortisol levels so it’s great for when you’re working out during your menstrual or luteal phases. Have you ever left a workout feeling ridiculously tired and ready for a nap as opposed to ready to take on the world? Pilates leaves you feeling the exact opposite. Of course, there will be muscle fatigue and exhaust from the 50-minute workout but aside from that, you normally leave Pilates feeling refreshed and energized, who woulda knew? A lot of the girlies as well as my registered dietitian recommend doing Pilates and Strength Training together for a fit and toned bod.

Another phenomenal aspect of Pilates is the girly pop environment. I’m not saying this is a just for girls, no boys allowed type of place BUT I’m saying it gives off the same safe energy as a Lucielle Roberts (RIP to the OG). You can get cute and go there with your girlies without expecting a man to be staring at you uncomfortably, or someone mansplaining something to you. It’s a very welcoming environment and yes sometimes you do see men there, but they are there genuinely for a good workout. I personally love when you encounter the classes of the girls with their boyfriends who think it’s a simple and easy workout but 20 minutes in they’re fighting for their lives and regretting the decision. 

Downside is the Dollars

 Pilates is not a cheap hobby. If there is one thing that you take away from this post it is the fact that PILATES IS NOT A CHEAP HOBBY. Most studios make you pay a joining fee/ membership fee, then there’s the prices for monthly classes which tend to be cheaper than singular classes, then another unavoidable expense is the socks. In my opinion the socks were probably the thing I wish I knew about first. A Pilates addiction is cool, paying for Pilates grip socks require either a sugar human or a really good bank account. Grip socks for the reformer machines are a required item, this is not something you can forgo or try to go the cheap route on. You need to have grip socks for your classes and cheap grip socks don’t have as much grip which results in a bad workout. The average pair of Pilates socks are $15-$20, if you get a membership the average amount of classes you do a month are 8; which would be around at least 4 socks if you wear each sock twice in a month, the math adds up to between $60-$80 on just socks.  Bet in a past life you didn’t think you’d see yourself spending $80 on some socks. 

Overall, Pilates quickly became my favorite hobby. While it is an expensive hobby that is kind of hard to schedule workout times with (mainly due to my schedule), it is such a therapeutic feeling to go to a Pilates class and get out of your head and into your body. I have been doing it for 7 months and have noticed some differences in my strength as well as some clothes fitting looser and such. Aside from that, my hormones feel happy when I do these classes. Over time your body becomes a lot more comfortable and things that were once impossible to do seem like an easy feat. This is a rewarding experience. Personally, I cannot recommend Pilates enough and I would have to say Mr. Joseph Pilates ate with this one.