
How To… A Proper NYC Pride

Hello, June, ☀ Better known as Pride Month. It’s the perfect time to embrace your inner Queen and let your true colors soar. No matter what city you’re in, June is the month to celebrate Pride. Even if you’re not part of the LGBTQ’ community it doesn’t hurt to be an ally 💜 Pride may be a confusing time for some especially if it’s your first time seeing or experiencing pride. Luckily for you I’ve compiled a list of some do’s and don’ts for this fabulous month.


Enjoy the holiday. Pride month is the time to be who you are and more. Embrace every part of your sexuality. Be unapologetically you and love every part of it. New York is one of the last places on earth to get judged for who you are BUT during Pride its even more of a BE WHO YOU WANT. Even if you are not a member of the community go out and have some fun. It does not hurt to be an ally of the community. However, if you do not support the community, stay  home… No Haters Allowed.


Go to the pride parade. Let me rephrase this, love is love and we support love over here. If you are one of those people who are strongly against this; don’t go to the parade, don’t involve yourself in the weekend, don’t leave your apartment.  There is enough hate on regular days don’t interfere with this one weekend. People travel from all over the world. people come out to their loved ones for the first time, people feel free to be themselves, don’t ruin that.


Learn some history. Yes pride is all about the colors, the drag queens and the parades but there is more than what meets the eye. Look up Stonewall inn or the involvement of Transgender women in the Pride March. Educate yourself on the history of Pride and learn why it’s so important. I promise there’s more to it than getting drunk and wearing makeup.


Judge people. Whether or not someone identifies as straight, gay, bi, etc. Never make anyone feel like they’re less than. This is especially true when it comes to the stigma surrounding what is not black and white. Keep the judgement to yourself and let people be who they are.

While we know not everyone understands that love is love. Even if you aren’t an ally all we ask is that you do not harbor hate, bigotry or prejudice in your heart and don’t forget if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all. Love is Love ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 Happy Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈